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pET28a- mCherry Plasmid
pET28a- Ngal Plasmid
pET28a- OFP Plasmid
pET28a- Omentin (Truncated) Plasmid
pET28a- SUMO Plasmid
pET28a- SUMO- TRFH Plasmid
pET28a- TGFB1 Plasmid
pET28a- ULP (SUMO enzyme) Plasmid
pET28a-(Arg)9-PRDX6 Plasmid
pET28a-005 Plasmid
pET28a-011 Plasmid
pET28a-25175 Plasmid
pET28a-310 Plasmid
pET28a-447 Plasmid
pET28a-552 Plasmid
pET28a-577 Plasmid
pET28a-603 Plasmid
pET28a-734 Plasmid